Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You Are Cinderella!

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Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Before I tell you anything I bet you can already tell that Rachel had lots of fun!!! ;)

This was us after we partied to the strobe light ... my friend Sarah (the one in the pink shorts) brought over her strobe light! We had so much fun and it looked so totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! ( For those of you that don't know what a strobe light is, it is one of those lights that blink really fast)

After parting like maniacs we went to go T.P. the Loves! We had heard that they were really hard so we wanted to see if we could go and do them!

Rachel and Kalia pumped up!

Well, we were doing the house (which seemed to be really easy) and we decided to get a picture of each other. Just then we heard a noise from the gate at the side of their house!

Sabrina, Sarah, Jessica, and I all started running every different direction to hide. Rachel though, was still Toilet Papering, at that moment Cody and Chandler came running out of the side of the house. We all came out laughing that Rachel still didn't know that they had caught us! :) It was still fun!
(Not really thanks to the Loves)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Rachel Came 2 Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Rachel came down to visit because she had a ortho apt. we stayed in the bathroom for like one hour oneday just taking pictures of each other! I missed her so much I was so happy that she came down!

We had a fun day shopping, going to Oregano's to eat, and going to the movies!

Rachel, Sabrina, and I went to different movie than our parents. Our movie ended earlier than theirs, so we decided to race cars...well Rachel did! We had a blast laughing at her because she was the worst driver ever!

She came in sixth though... hahahaha! :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb

Rachel and I

Rachel and I