Sunday, August 31, 2008

Roses are red...

Look at what I made! Today I got out the play dough for Logan to play with and I remember my friend telling me how to make a rose! So I decided to try it,and it worked! I was so happy! I made one in red...

and one in pink!


Sabrina said...

oh my gosh brittany you are so wierd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heather said...

You are very talented Brittany!!!

Alena Porter said...

WOW! that is way awesome brittany! u will have to show me sometime!:)

Tara Fisher said...

Brittany-you should totally take pottery and sculpting classes! You are so artistic and creative. Now you have one more talent to add to your already long list! Love ya babe :o)

sarah ann said...
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Anonymous said...

you totally need to put the pics from your bday on ur blog!

Rachel and I

Rachel and I